Thursday, October 29

A Thank You, A Feature & A Funny...

~ A Thank You ~

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who voted for our Master Bedroom in Apartment Therapy's Color Contest.

In the last round, the dining room that we were paired against received more votes than us, so we were unable to continue in the competition.

It was fun while it lasted though and that was thanks to you!

I am so grateful for all of your kind words, encouragement and support for our room.

You are the greatest!


~ A Feature ~

You all know Rhoda over at Southern Hospitality, right?

Well yesterday, she featured me over on her blog!

Click here to check it out

She contacted me a couple of weeks ago asking if she could post about our bedroom and how we made the transformation happen. And, of course, I said "yes"!

Thanks so much, Rhoda!

I am truly honored!


~ A Funny ~

If you are a home decor blogger, this post over at

The Stories of A to Z


"The Top 10 List For Decor Bloggers"

It will make you laugh out loud.

I guarantee it!

#6 is where I really started laughing (only because that was me just yesterday, snapping photos for a post to come later today), and laughed all the way through to #1.

*Edited to add:
Apparently it's just as funny to those who find themselves married to said home decor bloggers.
Will just read it and was laughing just like I was!

Check out the Top Ten List for yourself...

True, true!

You'll love it!

P.S. If you haven't entered your name in the Giveaway from Leen The Graphics Queen,
click here to see how to enter!