Thursday, November 5

Starve A Cold, Feed A Fever...

You know that saying, right?

Well, yesterday my mom showed up at my door with steaming hot, Chicken Noodle Soup from Metropolitan Market, warm sourdough rolls and...


Feed a fever?


(Granted, my fever is gone, but I'm still under the weather, so I'm just going to go with it!)

Thanks, Mom!

Peppermint Frangos definitely make it feel like the holidays have arrived!
I think I'll crawl back into bed with my little girl and turn on a Christmas movie.

(I know it's a bit early, but you can't blame a girl for being excited!)


On a completely unrelated note, check out the sky from our family room window this morning. The light coming through the clouds was so pretty...


Oh, and one more thing...

Yesterday we had a big surge of spam come through in the way of comments. So, unfortunately, I have had to turn on the "word verification" setting. I know that it can be a pain to have to go through that extra step when leaving a comment and I apologize for that.
Hopefully this will keep the unwanted spam comments at bay.

Thanks for understanding!

P.S. Over the past several days I have had plenty of time to browse magazines and there are some really cute ideas for Thanksgiving dinner out there!
Can't wait to show you my favorites!