Sunday, September 27

Celebrating Owen...

Our sweet Owen is 6 years old today!

I know that it's totally cliche to say, but...

the past 6 years have gone by so fast!

Since today is all about Owen, we started off with the breakfast of his choice...

Crepes made by Daddy, filled with Nutella and topped with whipped cream, chocolate chips and a cherry!


it was time for his present!

I LOVE this picture of his face when he saw his Dad walking out with the big box...

Nothing but sheer excitement!

He's a marble track boy - has been all his life!

This is marble track number....oh, I don't even know...I've lost count! But this is the first one that has been motorized and he cannot wait to see how it all works!

He and the Will's (big and little) are in their room getting it all set up. I'm fairly certain they'll be in there for the day!

And as far as Owen is concerned, it's the perfect way to spend the day!


To my kind, caring, sweet, outgoing, friendly, loving Owen...


I love you more than words can express